A waste-free society is definitely "the" new frontier. It is not a traditional frontier anymore: the new terra incognita are not far away in space or time but within each of us: we are the frontier!
Individual accomplishment in a society, moving from an economy of scale to an economy of scarce, is involving a radical shift of our old routines, the way we act, and the way we think.
Finding growth for everyone in a waste-free world will require us to be cooperative and smart, Kinder and Wiser.
Kinder. Suppressing the frontiers of time and space has left open the last frontier: human interactions. New wealth will come from our ability to combine our skills to find and implement new and better ways. Cooperation is a keystone. And it starts with respect: including all the players and their aspirations unto the game: it is not about being nice, it is about recognising the fact that we are all part of the world’s destiny and we depend on each other's intelligence to create waste-less growth. A french philosopher* used to say: "believing in someone's intelligence will help it grow, but denying it will destroy it". If it was nice in the past to be powerful and kind, being kinder may be a new source of power.
Wiser. The challenge is to create new products and services with a frugal use of non-renewable resources and also a leveraged use of ever-renewable resources like people intelligence and learning capacities. Developing these smart resources will increase our ability to address and share the right questions; our capacity to draw re-use and recycle the necessary resources and deliver smart and waste-free products and solutions. Being wiser is already a new resource to feed the new power lines!
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